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How generative AI can address the theory-practice gap | Derek Dubois | TEDxURI

In this TEDxURI talk, Derek Dubois discusses the emergence of generative AI and its implications for ...View More

Generative AI is just the Beginning AI Agents are what Comes next | Daoud Abdelhafez Hadi | TEDxPSUT

Navigate the frontier of artificial intelligence, exploring the transformative potential of generati ...View More

Generative AI ,an Inflection Point for Human Creativity | Mike Dougherty | TEDxPaloAlto

Mike Dougherty explores how generative AI technologies are redefining the boundaries of human ingenu ...View More

Is AI the future of movie-making?

What if text prompts enabled anyone to make a blockbuster movie, or even an entire box-set's worth o ...View More

Are animals and computers conscious in the same way humans are?

Reid Hoffman is one of the world's best-known tech entrepreneurs and investors. Perhaps best known f ...View More

AI Will Set Education Back 2500 Years... And That’s a Good Thing | Robert Clapperton | TEDxUW

Robert Clapperton shares why generative AI will set education back 2500 years, and why that's a good ...View More

Re-imagine the Future with Gen AI | Dr. Arvind Ankalikar | TEDxVIT

Dr. Arvind Ankalikar talks about the new revolution in technology brought about by Generative AI. He ...View More

How AI is generating a revolution in entertainment

A new wave of artificial intelligence is starting to transform the way the entertainment industry op ...View More

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